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Your rifle’s bore may be dirty. Run a solvent-soaked patch, followed by a dry patch, through the bore between shots to improve accuracy and make loading easier. The Spit-Fire design is slightly easier to load than the original Expander MZ bullet.
Historically, .50 caliber muzzleloading rifles have bore diameters ranging from .495″ to .504″. Firearm manufacturers are working on standardizing these dimensions. However, muzzleloading rifles do exist that aren’t suitable for our bullets. For example, our .50 caliber MZ bullet may be too tight for a .495″ bore, and fit too loosely in a .504″ bore. Our MZs are designed for standard bore dimensions. Bore butter or a bit of saliva can ease loading in snug-fitting bores.
The larger hollow point on our .50 caliber 250 grain MZ bullet has an advantage during low-velocity expansion. However, the smaller hollow-point on the .50 caliber 220 grain Knight Red Hot has a better BC because of the bullet’s streamlined design. This contributes to better retained velocity downrange.
Recommended twist rates are as follows:
.45 195 Up to 1:30″
.50 250 Up to 1:32″
.50 300 Up to 1:28″ * Occasionally, a 1:28″ twist won’t be fast enough.
.54 275 Up to 1:34″
.54 325 Up to 1:34″
The larger hollow point on our .50 caliber 250 grain MZ bullet has an advantage during low-velocity expansion. However, the smaller hollowpoint on the .50 caliber 220 grain Knight Red Hot has a better BC because of the bullet’s streamlined design. This contributes to better retained velocity downrange.